A Spectator Spectrum

How well do bad people deserve to be punished?

Irdandy Fidastra
Journal Kita
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2021


Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

How appropriate are we to label people as bad people when we are also evil ourselves?
Do we ever realize how easy it is to give an opinion on bad events or bad stories of others?
Then, when we experience the same thing, when we are the subject of such bad events, how difficult is it for us to be aware and label ourselves as a bad person?
A simpler example is this, how pleasant and easy is it to judge others and how difficult is it to recognize and judge oneself?
Why did that happen?
Because of capability that accompanies humans. When experiencing an incident or an event, a person will dive and swim in the tension , the swift waves & currents of life, they are acting as a singularity.An entity or something alive.
However, when seeing or hearing an event, one will only see, hear,enjoy or feel how beautiful or frightening the sight of the scenery. they become a spectator, only watches closely for someone who are risking their life, saving themselves to swim to the coast, or be drowned upon the swift waves of life.

Life is suffering, accompanied by pleasure to be able to make it enjoyable.
Just enjoy it, as a complete package given by God. Even gift given from humans will still be enjoyed, right? let alone a gift from your creator.

